Richard Dreyfest Interviews The Photoshoplifters — WASTE DIVISION

Richard Dreyfest Interviews The Photoshoplifters

by Nels Jensen

Who are you two?  Where are you from?  What do you play?  Do you know who Richard Dreyfuss is?

We are Justin Senger and Maddie Murray. We have both lived here nearly our entire lives! Justin plays guitar and vocals, and Maddie plays drums and programs tracks. We didn't know of Richard Dreyfuss before we were contacted about this festival!

I couldn’t help but notice the references and alien imagery.  Is this a nod to “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” or something else?

We both have a love for aliens, ufos, and the supernatural. It was an idea for our artwork on our first EP and from there we continued the theme of aliens.

You guys started in 2016… and you already have a release… you’ve obviously been busy!  What does the songwriting process look like for you?  Were these songs all new, or were some of them songs before this project was started?

Justin had 4 songs written before we started this band. We currently have 14 songs officially from the many others Justin has written over time. He writes the lyrics and songs, and Maddie writes the back tracks. These tracks include the bass guitar, synth, orchestra, bells, keys and any electronic elements we want to throw in.

There doesn’t seem to be anyone in town doing a similar thing to you two.  As far as influences go, was there anyone local that helped you solidify the sound you were going for?  Or just national acts?

We also noticed that no one else seems to be doing what we are doing locally. No one locally influenced us it's more on a national acts level. Starset, Linkin Park, Blink 182, and Twenty-One Pilots are some major influences for us.

Do you not like bass (guitar)?

Justin's main instrument is actually bass guitar! He's played bass for several bands around town. When we started up, we tried to find a bassist, but no one seemed interested or didn't want to be in our band. We have bass written in our back tracks, so fear not my friend!

Do you not like bass (fish)?

We like fishinnn for bass!

Do you not like phish (because I could totally understand that… I mean… who likes jam bands)?

We don't know enough about the band to answer that question, ha ha.

The perfect show would consist of ________________, and _____________, and ____________.

The perfect show would consist of Weird Al, Sarah Mclaughlin, and Twisted Romance (just kidding ha ha).

The perfect show would consist of Starset, Linkin Park, and Breaking Benjamin.

Before someone sees a Photoshop Lifter’s show for the first time, what should they know going in?

Before people see a live show, they should know its not just live music they'll be hearing. It will be an experience to remember. And they have to be prepared to be abducted.


Links for The Photoshoplifters: