Richard Dreyfest Interviews Panther Car — WASTE DIVISION

Richard Dreyfest Interviews Panther Car

by Austin Finn

To start off, something simple. Names, birthstones, and zombie apocalypse home base location (ie, where you would go to setup as your central HQ in case of a zombie apocalypse)?

Connor, Chrys, Andrew, and Scott. 

Kidney Stone, Cold Stone, Black Stone Cherry, and Amethyst, respectively.

If zombies were to apocalyze we would head straight to the Morty Dome, where the walls are made of hundreds of screaming Mortys, distracting the zombies, and allowing us to pinch ‘em off one by one

Describe your sound in three sentences or less using the words “belly”, “Sheffield Wednesday Football Club”, and “oblong”.

Our oblong tones have often been a popular choice at the Sheffield Wednesday Football Club‘s annual pig roast, where the residual grooves tend to sit in one’s belly and cause indigestion, leading to the customary passing-of-the-Tums-bottle.

Do you guys remember, like 5 years ago, we played a show together at a place in Billings called the Terminal. That show and venue has sort of become legendary now, for a lot of different reasons. Do you remember anything about that show? What did you think of the space and the bands?

That was the first time we saw Idaho Green! It totally changed our perception of Billings, we had no idea that anything like that went on there. In a way it seems like Dreyfest is trying to preserve the legacy of the vibe of that show.

Dreyfest organizer and MSU alumn Nels Jensen is obsessed with La Parilla. I went with him twice and both times he got the fettusccine alfredo burrito. Can you please talk some sense into him?

It seems like Nels has got his head on straight now, he’s joined the hordes of us addicts at Taco Montes, with their tantalizing array of fusion tacos

Ever play the Haufbrau? It’s still one of my favorite places to play in the entire country.

The best, coziest, shittiest, drunken, noisy, fun-times are had there. The first show we ever played was at the Haufbrau and we still piss off patrons there constantly    

Ever play shows with Tales From Ghost Town? I’m convinced he’s the punk poet laureate of Montana. 

Tales From Ghost Town is great - we played with him years ago in Helena. Nick plays with another group, Gang Member, who also rule.

Any tours of up coming projects you guys are stoked on in the future?

We’ll be trying to release our new EP in the first-ever boof-able format…so look out for that

First word that comes to mind when you think of Billings?


Panther Car's links:


For more info about Panther Car, check out an article about the band from Gabba Gabba Magazine by clicking hereSee the rest of the lineup for Dreyfest or check out some more interviews.

Also, check out this year's venues and get your tickets!