Richard Dreyfest Interviews Modern Sons — WASTE DIVISION

Richard Dreyfest Interviews Modern Sons

by Eric Toennis

Who are each of you and what instruments do you play? Also, what is your favorite pasta dish?

Ryan Saul - Voice and guitar

Dustin Crowson - Bass

Dan Haywood - Guitar

Silas Stewart - Drums

Favorite Pasta Dishes: Shrimp PestoPasta, Spaghetti with SpamPasta, Tinder RavioliPasta, Homemade Potato Gnocchi

What are your favorite aspects of the music scene in Bozeman?

The Bozeman scene is thriving and creative- everyone is constantly pushing each other to be better

How does it compare to the other cities in Montana?

Not sure.

Describe your music using the words “hyperspace,” “King Arthur’s roundtable,” “grapefruit”, and “Tom Hanks.”

Modern Sons’ music is much like a fucked up alternative “sub-region" in hyperspace known as “Tom Hanks-a-topia”. Much like his Volleyball pal Wilson we are like an imaginary grapefruit that sits at King Arthur’s roundtable spoiling because no one has one of those fancy serrated spoons to eat it with.

How long have you been making music together?

Been together since 2012 and have lost members here and there who have tried to grow up and get ‘big boy jobs’, be in wedding bands, or are selling their souls to drugs. We just keep pushing forward.

Give us a little history of the band name. What makes you guys so “Modern?”

Dan our guitar player is a ‘Modern Son’. He was born very premature and would not have survived with out the marvels of medical technology.

What is the biggest crowd you have played for and where was it? How did this experience help you grow as a band?

Biggest crowd we played for was at a handful of SXSW unofficial showcases called Red Gorilla Festival. The bars on 6th Street in Austin are packed to the gills for a whole week straight. People were digging the music. Made us realize that we do make some decent tunes, and that it isn’t just our friends on Montana blowing smoke up our asses.

Who is the biggest crybaby in the band when it comes to being sick?

Honestly, no one has ever been a crybaby. Sick or not we’ve always practiced and/or played our shows. Diarrhea, vomit, crusty infected urethras; we’re always there.

Name your biggest influences and how each of them contributed to your style and sound.

Chris Gains, Fastball, ‘Lil Boaty, 311, Chris Brown - they’ve just taught us so much

Last movie you each saw in the theater?

Theater...Who has money for that? We only watch Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies really.

What was your familiarity with the actor Richard Dreyfuss before this festival?

Didn’t he kill himself by Autoerotic Asphyxiation with a neck tie? Or wait that was Tom Cruise. JAWS!!!!!

You get to choose between three artists to open up for on a world tour. Your choices are: Nickleback, Creed, and 3 Doors Down. Please choose one and defend your choice.

Nickleback hands down. Ryan used to know the bass player, Mike when he lived on Maui. Apparently each band member has their own tour bus and they travel with a chef. So, at least we’d eat well. Eating good food is our #1 priority in life besides sleep. 


Links for Modern Sons: